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Where beauty meet science

At U | 180, we are proud to offer BOTOX, one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world. This injectable can effectively and safely smooth expression lines on the upper half of the face to reverse the aging process and refresh the appearance. After a quick treatment, you’ll be one step closer to being free of expression lines and feeling more confident in your appearance.

What Is BOTOX?

BOTOX is a neuromodulator that contains neurotoxins that work on the muscular level to smooth dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles form from repetitive expressions over a lifetime. As you age, your skin can’t bounce back from all those expressions, and lines and wrinkles start forming on the upper half of the face.

By temporarily preventing the nerve signals and brain from communicating with the muscles, we can relax them to prevent exaggerated expressions so the skin can rest and resume its smooth, youthful appearance.


BOTOX hasn’t become the most popular cosmetic injectable worldwide by accident. It’s so popular because it’s safe, treatments are quick, and it works. It’s an effective solution for the most common expression lines on the face and will visibly improve the appearance after a minimally invasive treatment. Other treatment benefits include the following: 

  • Quick appointment times
  • No social downtime
  • Fast-acting and long-lasting results
  • The ability to extend results with maintenance treatments
  • Visible improvement in expression lines
  • Natural-looking results
  • Safe and FDA-cleared treatments
botox neurotoxin

What Can It Treat?

BOTOX is FDA-cleared to smooth the most common wrinkles. We can design a treatment plan for patients who want to treat forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines. This cosmetic injectable can significantly improve the appearance of these dynamic wrinkles after just one treatment.

How Does It Work?

The BOTOX treatment process is a multistep protocol that begins with an initial consultation. Before you undergo treatment, we need to meet with you to evaluate your desired treatment areas, learn about your medical history, and confirm that this product is a safe and effective option for you.

During that consultation, we can also determine exactly how much product to inject into the muscles responsible for your dynamic wrinkles so we can help you achieve your treatment goals.

Your Appointment

On the day of your treatment, we’ll begin the appointment by cleansing your skin and preparing it for the injection process. Some patients request a topical numbing cream; others do not. The treatment process typically takes less than 30 minutes, and after some strategic and precise injections, you can resume your normal daily activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

For most patients, treatment results appear within the first 24 to 48 hours and continue to develop during the week following treatment. Those results will continue to improve as the ingredients work to relax the muscles, and you’ll see the best results 30 days post-treatment.

On average, these results will last for three to four months. For some, they can last longer if their bodies take longer to metabolize the ingredients.

BOTOX is a lunchtime injectable because you can schedule your treatment during your lunch break at work and resume your workday without interruption. Even though there’s no downtime, there are some aftercare instructions you will need to follow to ensure optimal results.

You’ll need to temporarily avoid strenuous workouts, at least for the first 24 hours. Additionally, you’ll need to avoid any activity that can increase your body temperature or blood pressure, including hot environments like hot yoga classes, cooking over a hot stove, saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, and hot showers.

After your treatment, you must keep your head elevated for at least four hours to prevent product migration, which occurs when the ingredients move into different areas of the face other than the desired muscle. You also will need to temporarily discontinue blood thinning medications and supplements, like fish oil, vitamin E, and anti-inflammatories. These can increase the risk of bruising and interfere with your treatment results.

We can combine BOTOX with other cosmetic injectables like dermal fillers to address additional cosmetic or aging-related concerns. Dermal fillers are different from neuromodulators because they address volume loss. They are made with a gel formula that restores natural-looking volume to different areas where volume loss has caused lines, wrinkles, hollow areas, and facial folds to develop.

We can administer neuromodulators and dermal fillers together to promote comprehensive results and address all of your aesthetic and aging-related concerns. At your initial consultation, we can discuss other treatment options that pair well with this neuromodulator so that we can design a comprehensive treatment plan that helps you look and feel your best.

The best candidates for BOTOX injections are patients looking for a simple, safe, and effective way to treat dynamic wrinkle lines. If you’ve undergone other professional skin care treatments in an attempt to eliminate or even soften expression lines but haven’t achieved your desired results, this product can do what those treatments cannot.

It will address the root cause of dynamic expression lines and the facial muscles beneath those lines and relax them so that your skin can rest; then expression lines will gradually disappear.

If dynamic wrinkles make you look older, unapproachable, or angry, you’re not alone. These lines can significantly affect your appearance and your confidence, but with a BOTOX treatment plan, we can change that. Our goal is to help you achieve smoother and younger-looking skin and feel more confident in your appearance. After just a quick, simple injection process, we can relax those muscles and promote youthful and glowing skin.